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Starblades favorite books

this page is dedicated to the favorite books of the Starblade Elders. They have each comprized ten top books n their lists. You should really look into these at your local library.

Top 10 books from J:

1. Harry Potter series (I know, I know, but still)

2. Lord of the Ring series

3. Timline- Chricton

4. Eaters of the Dead- Chricton

5. The Dark Elf trilogy- Salvatore

6. A Time to Kill- Grisham

7. Taggerung- Jaques

8. Martin the Warrior- Jaques

9. Redwall- Jaques

10. Bible, it's not my least fav, in fact it's the best one. Besides, there is no way I could put all of these books in order of favorites.

Why it is important to read

